Alive Adventures emerged from Scott's boundless passion for adventure in the Canadian wilderness and his desire to share it with others. Obtaining his seaplane license in 2020, he flew over 200 hours, taking 50+ friends and family on unforgettable journeys.
During his travels to Central America and Asia he attended numerous yoga and meditation retreats and trained in several styles of breathwork; and became inspired to create an experience in Canada combining nature, seaplane adventure and yoga/meditation.
After a decade-long search, he found the perfect spot: Kakagi, with its mature forests, remote location, and pristine lake. In 2022, construction began on the Alive Adventures facilities.
Scott and Shreyas met at Kakagi Lake in 2023 through a mutual friend and quickly bonded over the shared love for the land and the beauty of Kakagi lake. They have now decided to marry their passions and form a partnership to allow the vision of alive adventures to come to fruition